This site is about personal development. Its purpose is to assist people who want to improve their lives, reach their full potential and strive towards emotional, spiritual, social and physical success and well being.
We offer ideas, inspiration, information and insights on topics such as goal setting, affirmations, mindfulness, motivation, positive thinking, success, relevant courses and recommended books on self development.
Our ambition is to provide resources to anyone who takes an interest in their self improvement and who is willing to experience profound changes.
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Personal growth and development is a process and this site provides information and tools on how to build a better you, a successful life in every sense of the word. On this site, there is a heavy emphasize on personal responsibility and the freedom to choose our own thoughts, emotions and actions.
Please pay attention!
I recommend only products that I like and I have tried out.
This is the only online business of mine and you are welcome to watch the video to learn more about online success.
Then follow the simple steps.
Hope to see you there and let´s share the journey of success!
God bless.
I, Kourosh Kavian, am a real person and you can always reach me at:
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The development of yourself comes through what goes on inside of you. If you realize that everything starts within yourself, you will begin to see that it is possible to affect your thoughts, values, beliefs and actions. As a result, you can create virtually anything you like!
For most of us, we have been led to believe that we need to have and do an endlesss amount of things in order to become happy, fulfilled and successful. That is untrue, however. Through self development we realize that we need to first be in order to do and then do in order to have. In that order. After all, we are human beings - not human doings. That is a huge difference!
When you discover your own personal values and believes, you begin to act accordingly, instead of acting on someone else´s idea of what is right or wrong, good or bad. When you scrutinize your inner self, you need courage, strength, motivation and tools to continue. You will find the resources here.
Engaging in personal development is sometimes a struggle. However, the rewards are greater personal freedom! Knowing yourself is the road to true success, not just materially, but also emotionally, spiritually and socially.
Your true inner self remains the same regardless of outer circumstances. It is like an orange: The inside (the true inner being) remains the same regardless of where it is or what happens around it. If someone squeezes it (trouble, stress, illness), something pure still comes out (your true inner self). That is one of the reasons this site is called personal development inside out and has an orange in the logo!
As you spend time and effort on your own development, your life changes from the inside out. If you begin with your inside - anything will manifest itself on the outside.
What is personal development?
Self growth, self improvement and self development are all terms describing the same thing: The conscious act of improving yourself in every possible way into something that you choose.
Why engage in personal development?
To reach your full potential as a human being, you want to be in command of your life and take responsibility. You can be a person who influences, not a person who only gets influenced (usually taken advantage of). A consciously living person is more likely to make wiser decisions and ultimately make the world a better place.
How does personal development work?
A number of methods, techniques and tools are provided for free on this site. Goal setting, mindfulness, affirmations and keeping a personal development journal are just a few examples.
When is the time for personal development?
Now. Always now.
Where is the place for personal development?
Here. Development takes place all the time everywhere. Our mission is to help you develop in a positive direction.
Who can benefit from personal development?
Anybody who is open minded enough to try out new concepts. Anybody who has the courage to think out of the box. Anybody who accepts that personal development is a marathon - not a sprint. Anybody who is willing to commit to his or her own personal growth and development and embrace the outcome.
List of personal development benefits:
You will learn to appreciate the present moment and live "here and now", instead of "then and before". Life is full of "nows". The past does not exist, nor the future. There are only present moments added to each other. Realizing the power of now is one of the most profound personal breakthroughs.
As you build yourself to a better you, you will much more easily attain the results you want, whatever success means to you personally. The goal setting process for instance, helps you to structure, plan and to take action in any area of life that needs positive and personal growth: emotional, spiritual, financial, social etc. The affirmations and positive thinking tools will keep you motivated to apply the suggested success principles.
Naturally, the deeper you engage in your personal development, the more you will grow, expand and improve your self confidence and self image. You will naturally become more sure of yourself due to an inner core of strength. And when you like yourself, you are in a better position to help others too.
We provide tips, techniques and tools on stress management. You can learn to recognize early signs of destructive stress and stop it in time. Mindfulness techniques are describes and usually work fantastically well. Additionally, as you grow and expand your concept of reality, you might question the whole concept of stress and act accordingly.
The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. Therefore, it is wise to invest in the development of yourself. When you feel good about yourself and your life, you are in a better position to help others, spread joy, reduce negativity and make the world a better place.
As a natural result of you engaging in various methods for personal improvement, you will notice how much more creative you become in all areas of life. When you step out of your comfort zone, your subconscious mind will try new creative ways of approaching situations. Your professional, private and social lives improve as you constantly challenge yourself.
"It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship."(Norman Vincent Peale)
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So why not become an insider of your own life? Personal growth and development is the key to unlocking your full potential. Success is having both money and meaning. Personal growth takes place as long as we live. Personal development enriches your life. Self improvement is not a big deal. Anybody can make gradual changes that are doable and desireable. Life is a lesson, make it as worthwhile as possible.
Challenge yourself.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Take 100% responsibility for your life.
You are the creator of your reality.
"We must become the change we want to see in the world."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
Please pay attention!
I recommend only products that I like and I have tried out.
This is the only online business of mine and you are welcome to watch the video to learn more about online success.
Then follow the simple steps.
Hope to see you there and let´s share the journey of success!
God bless.
I, Kourosh Kavian, am a real person and you can always reach me at:
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