Here is a personal development library that you can refer to whenever you need personal development motivation, self improvement advice or when you need to motivate yourself for success. This library is not a static thing, but will change as I find other personal development authors that are inspirational enough to motivate others, to inspire and give useful self improvement advice on goal setting, affirmations, positive thinking and how to program yourself for success.
These really are some recommended great books for personal development.
I deliberately use the words "personal development library", but I could also just say recommended books for personal development. There are thousands of great books for personal development, and I only recommend a selection in the following page. Those are books that I have personally gained knowledge and ideas from. Above all, I think that this personal development library serves as a motivation for further reading. Perhaps you already have one or many favorite authors in the self development industry, and just want to expand your search. And some of you just need a starting point. I will be delighted if I could inspire anybody to reading literature for personal values development.
Many of us start out looking for self help books that can teach us the right success principles and give us instant gratification. By instant gratification I mean a kind of reward that you get for your efforts rather quickly. Most self help books on weight-loss for instance are totally unrealistic if they claim to transform you and your body in say two months (And in many cases less! How about losing 20 pounds in a week?) Unrealistic, right? I appreciate self help books that emphasize the importance of taking responsibility.
Personal responsibility means forgetting about blaming others for past or present failures. I am the creator of my own life and destiny. Taking responsibility also means that so called failures are unavoidable. Personal responsibility means that I am in charge of my life and sometimes things go wrong, or at least they do not turn out the way I planned it. And that is OK too. In one of my favorite personal development articles, I claim that "failure is a prerequisite of true success!"
And how does this connect with the personal development library I recommend here? One thing all of these authors have in common is the emphasize on taking personal responsibility. None of them say that you are right in suffering now because of past sufferings. They all offer a way out, a way to program yourself for success (in every sense of the word, not just monetary) and to free yourself from the false beliefs that you deserve less than total abundance!
I think it is very liberating to see how all of the authors in my personal development library have freed themselves of past sufferings, failures and limiting patterns to live a full, enriching and prosperous life where they also help others to the same level of success (spiritual, social, physical, financial and emotional).
Wayne Dyer wasn´t always an enlightened spirit, quite far from it actually. Eckhart Tolle who now helps millions of people together with Oprah Winfrey, was suffering emotionally for most of his life, until he had an epiphany that turned his life around to the better. He was actually blissfully happy as he initially drifted around as a homeless for several months.
Bliss and enlightenment has nothing to do with material wealth, he concludes. As a young, newly wed man, the super successful self help author Zig Ziglar was too poor to feed his family. Those experiences shaped him and his character. He couldn´t give us such convincing self improvement advice if he didn´t know what he was talking about. Real experience shine through.
The list goes on: Now Robert Kiyosaki is ultra rich and an authority on investment and how to change quadrant from Employment to Investment. Kiyosaki has been broke not just once, but several times during his career. They - and many other inspirational authors - are all listed in the personal development library or recommended great books for personal development.
How do you get up again, continue to grow personally and motivate yourself for success? I think that is the central theme that most of the authors in this personal development library bring up. And because they have personally experienced what they describe, they are believable and very helpful to others. And that is why they are recommended here.
My own personal development library consists of hundreds of authors and great books that I have collected, read and treasured for many years now. It includues names like Deepak Chopra, Carlos Castaneda, Paulo Coelho, James Redfield, Jim Rohn, Dale Carnegie, Tony Robbins, Shakti Gawain, Napoleon Hill, Dalai Lama, Don Miguel Ruiz, Raymond A Moody, Paul Brunton, Phillip C. McGraw, Gary Zukav, Elisabeth Kubler Ross, Robert Kiyosaki, Zig Ziglar, Jack Canfield and many more.
They are all very different and contribute with different angles of the very wide topic of personal growth and development. However, they all have a very definite place in my personal development library.
What about your own? I encourage you to add your favorites to your own personal development library. Read, digest and expand your horizons. Our world is much bigger than we could ever imagine.
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