Goal Setting Success; Setting and Achieving Goals that Work

I could talk in length about my personal experience of goal setting success. I know that setting and achieving goals is a tool that facilitates the realization of my main life goal - and step by step - everything on my entire life goal list. Consequently, I recommend the process described in all pages under the goal setting tab to anybody who is serious about manifesting their life goal.

Children are generally excellent at setting and achieving their goals. If they haven´t been taught to quench their dreams, they will usually apply any method they can to get what they want. And as all parents know, kids usually want a great deal of things in life. Parents might not always agree that the children´s goals and desires are necessary, but let´s leave that out for now and focus on the process of goal setting success. The below links offer some back ground, however.)

Goal Setting Theory
Personal Goal Setting
Goal Setting

The Art of Goal Setting Success

We have all seen examples of athletes sharing their powerful goals with the world after they have reached them. And we are impressed. And we think it´s for them only. And it seems too hard etc. But setting and achieving goals can be applied by anybody in any situation under any circumstances. That is what I want to describe here.

My two animal-loving children are both very fond of cats, especially my daughter. Initially she was content with other people´s cats, reading books about them and having lots of toys and books on that theme.

Gradually it dawned on her that it would be possible to own a cat. She had defined her dream. And probably laid out some strategies for her goal setting success.

We did not rush out to get her one right away, because we wanted to be sure that she was serious and responsible enough. We represented "the rest of the world who couldn´t care less about your dream". (In fact we did care, but the world usually does not bother about your dreams. That is why YOU have to be 100% sure yourself, to resist all surrounding negativity.)

So she had defined her goal; to own a cat. That was the first step in her goal setting success. What she did next was spontaneous and intuitive, and it reinforced her dedication to achieving her goal: She put her dream on paper! She drew and painted pictures of cats, collected cute pictures and post cards and posted these around the house where she could see them at all times. She was obsessed with her life goal of owning a cat. She visualized it, thought of possible names, thought out a plan on what to do with the cat when we went on vacation etc. She used all her senses in the process. She used to describe the softness of its fur and how happy she felt when she cuddled her cat. If we had a doubt, she had a solution!

She also conducted serious research and learned everything about cats from the books she could get hold out. We encouraged her to become an expert on the topic of her life goal. Just like athletes or successful businessmen do. This step of the goal setting success is "become an expert on your goal".

Then the persuasion part took over. She needed us, her parents, on her side and used all the arguments she could think of. The one that finally conquered us was "I cannot live without a cat!"

The question is; Can YOU live without setting and achieving YOUR life goal, without manifesting your heart´s true desire?

When we took her to buy the kitten, she carefully looked at all of them before choosing the right one. That was the kitten who looked exactly the way my daughter had visualized it. And we knew too, because we had seen her pictures all over our house for months and months...

And since then, the two of them have had the closest bond imaginable between them; a much longed for kitten and its loving owner, my adorable daughter. Sometimes she whispers to it: "I loved you even before I had you!"

That´s the power of goal setting success! I hope that you are encouraged to apply the principles to big and small goals in your life. Take out your life goal list and get started right away. Like my daughter said: "The day my dream became a reality I KNEW that anything in life is possible if I just want it hard enough!"

A final note. My daughter was five years old when she was setting and achieving the goal I have described. She reached her goal on her 6th birthday. I am convinced that you can manifest any life goal too. Goal setting success is not only possible, it is easier than we think.

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