Your personal development strategy

- includes a personal development plan

To have a personal development strategy means to have a plan. It means you do what other successful people do: in business, in sports, in education and so on. No successful person ever in any area relied on chance or luck or just "played by ear" and were suddenly, for no reason hugely successful.

That is what we like to think though. Wouldn´t it be so much more comfortable if success, wealth or health just happened?! No! That is irresponsible thinking. That is not being in charge of your life. And that means giving up before you have even started out. So instead, try out this strategy for personal development.

We all get stuck sometimes. And many times we get trapped in thinking that it takes too much effort to even try. Humans are generally lazy and avoid pain, and to many of us it seems too hard or too painful to create new, healthier habits. But that is really what it is all about, the creation of habits that support you and your dreams, rather than the opposite. If you don´t give nourishment to your dreams, you starve emotionally.

So do not make it complicated! If you need a personal development strategy, simplify! Make it do-able. You will be greatly encouraged when you start to realize that you could make a change for the better. It will certainly boost your self-confidence and create more and better results.

Use this simplified version of a personal development strategy:

  • What is it you want to change?
  • WHY do you want the implement the change?
  • What is stopping you right now?
  • What would you have to give up to change?
  • List all benefits you would get from the change.
  • How much time do you realistically need to reach your desired outcome?
  • Make a realistic schedule. Keep it simple!
  • State the exact outcome in the present tense in positive words. (Much like goal setting.)
  • Inform those around you about your decision. Tell them to support you! (In certain circumstances it is better NOT to inform anybody, but just stick to your decision and Not expect support. People have a tendency to sabotage new habits...Use your judgment from case to case.)
  • Post your desired outcome and schedule somewhere where you can see it often.
  • Do it!

    This personal development strategy is enough to get anybody started. Whether you want to quit smoking, start exercising or find a better job. The key is to simplify, especially in the beginning. Personal development is for everybody, because there are always things we want to improve. Keep it fun. Keep it do-able. Your development is not dependent on others. Be responsible and treat your life respectfully.

    Hopefully you will be able to use the information, tools and other sources on this site to inspire and support you on your path to success.

    Try this free example of a personal development plan!

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