A Positive Thinking Attitude

- is connected with awareness

Some people seem to have a naturally positive thinking attitude. Perhaps some of us were born with an attitude of positive thinking, but for a lot of people, thinking in a positive manner does not occur naturally at all. We have to practice the skill of a positive thinking attitude, just like any other skill!

You are the creator of your thoughts, you and nobody else. You produce tens of thousands of thoughts every single day. The bad news is that most of the thoughts have been thought by you before...

positive thinking attitude

You are unique!

We have the capacity of being totally original and unique every single moment and with every single thought. But we rarely use our full potential or capacity. To reach your full potential, it is vital to become aware of your thinking pattern. The awareness helps you develop a more positive way of thinking.

Our thinking capacity is vast, much more advanced than any computer in the world, but the mind is greatly underestimated and underused. Why?

First of all, it is more comfortable to re-use the familiar, than produce new thinking. Humans are extremely lazy in that respect. And if we do not stop to reflect upon our own way of thinking, we will continue to think what we have always thought, with very little variation.

Secondly, I believe that most of us are so conditioned to following the crowd, that we have forgotten how to think independently! That is a waste, because we can create whatever we want in our own minds, and then make it real in the material world too. That is what we call manifestation.

Manifestation is the mind´s way of interpreting your thoughts and acting upon your command. That is why it is vitally important to think the "right" thoughts! The reason is that the subconscious mind does not distinguish between fact and fiction, truth or untruth. The mind considers everything we think as facts. And that is why it is so important to direct your thoughts away from a negative thought pattern to a positive thinking attitude.

Consequently the mind acts upon the information given, whether it is positive or negative, productive or counterproductive to you. That is why I say: You might as well de-program your mind and feed it with positive thinking, which benefits you and leads to results that you like and want.

Lastly, another reason the mind is an underused resource is that we simply lack knowledge about its power. Rhetorically I would like to ask you:

If you could choose between manifesting your dreams desires thanks to a positive thinking attitude, or get into a mental rut (status quo) due to negative, common and routine-like thinking, what would you choose?

The obvious answer is the first option, the manifestation of your own dreams, to be in charge of your own thoughts, dreams, life and actions.

And now that you are aware of the power of your mind and the fact that you are in control of your own thinking, it makes your choice so much easier. De-program your mind from the negativity, begin feeding it positive thoughts. That is how you attain a positive thinking attitude.

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