Motivational affirmations to motivate yourself for success

Looking for motivational affirmations? Great! Affirmations like these are essentially what you need to motivate yourself for success. Reprogram yourself to positive thinking that leads to success in life.

Affirmations are a powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind into patterns that support you and your desired outcome. For more background on how to use affirmations most effectively, go to this section with daily affirmations.

Additionally, we all need a bit of motivation, especially during tough times or as we engage in personal development. As we have discussed elsewhere, self improvement and motivation are dependent on each other.

So what we now want to do is to provide guidance and examples of affirmations that will motivate yourself for success (whatever success means to you). In a sense all affirmations are motivational, but I still like to categorize them, so in this section we will focus on motivational affirmations for different situations.

As always, keep your affirmations short and simple. State your affirmations in the positive. And phrase them as if they were already a reality. Don´t worry if it feels as if you are lying to yourself. You are re-training your mind. If you have been used to a negative attitude and outlook, it will feel awkward at first, but just continue anyway. Your ego will resist the positive changes, so hit back with lots of positive thinking, positive attitude and great motivational affirmations!

So here we go with some examples of motivational affirmations. Naturally, you can take anything you really want and make an affirmation out of it.

Motivational affirmations for school work:

I am talented, intelligent and creative.

I love school.

I realize education is important.

I take my education seriously.

I always do my homework.

I enjoy doing my homework.

I learn new things every day that will improve my life forever.

I deserve good grades.

I like myself.

I am confident.

I am excellent at planning my homework.

I am personally responsible for the results I get.

I am 100% responsible for my school work.

I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort.

Motivational affirmations for work/career:

I love what I do.

I do what I love.

I am intelligent, talented and creative and I am richly rewarded.

I now have a perfect, satisfying and well-paying job.

I enjoy my work every day.

I am grateful for the income I receive from my work.

I am 100% responsible for the work I do.

I strive to improve my work every day.

I learn new things from my work every day.

I enjoy teaching others how to improve their work.

I enjoy the fact that my work makes the world a better place.

I enjoy the company of my co-workers.

I have just the job I want.

I have a fantastic job with fantastic pay.

Motivational affirmations for health:

I love myself.

I respect the needs of my body and mind.

I am 100% responsible for my health.

I deserve perfect health.

Every day my health gets better and better.

I treat myself kindly.

I engage in activities that are beneficial to my health.

I grow stronger and healthier every day.

Every day and in every way my health is getting better and better.

The Universe guides me in the direction of perfect health.

I listen to my feelings and nurture my body and mind.

Motivational affirmations for wealth:

I deserve unlimited wealth.

Universe wants me to be wealthy.

I create my fortune every day.

Universe is totally abundant and everything I need I get.

I deserve to be prosperous and happy.

I am now prosperous and happy.

I now have more than enough riches for my personal use.

I am wealthy and enjoy helping others reach their financial dreams.

The more prosperous I become, the more I share with others.

I am rich, healthy and happy.

I am now economically independent.

Motivational affirmations for weight loss:

I deserve happiness and love.

I am happy and lovable.

I am beautiful and healthy.

I completely accept myself.

I completely accept my body.

I feel great now that I am so physically attractive.

Keeping my ideal weight is easy.

I am kind to my body and my body is kind to me.

I now only eat the things that are good for me.

I love eating food that is good for me.

I feel energized now that I keep my ideal weight.

I enjoy eating the food that keeps me healthy, strong and slender.

Motivational affirmations for giving up smoking:

I deserve optimal health.

I engage only in activities that benefit my health.

I now enjoy life as a non-smoker.

I enjoy the smell of fresh air.

I only inhale what is good for me.

I love to inhale fresh air.

I spend my money on useful things.

I save _____________ every month.

Living a smoke-free life is very rewarding.

I prolong my life as a non-smoker.

I respect the functions of my bodily organs.

I respect my lungs.

My lungs are healthy and transport oxygen to my blood.

I feel strong and energized.

Everything I do adds to my health and beauty.

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